Letters to Asia

 The Complaining Game
I really hate complaining so I usually keep it all inside. NOT. Let me tell you a few things I have to vent out after living in Asia for this long.

The Staring Game
How annoying is it when somebody STARES at you and you catch them staring and they still stare?
I guess its the annoyance of being a foreigner or maybe its my sense of fashion (which by the way I dont find anyhow loud at all but I do like to wear striking red jeans) All those annoying stares should be illegal! Nobody in their right mind would ever stare for anything more than an obvious amount of time and its damn annoying. And creepy! I caught someone filming me checking in in the hotel lobby last week, his reflection was in the window behind him (it was dark outside) whats more creepy than that? Its really obvious and stupid, reflection is everywhere especially at night!

The yucky gunker
How annoying is it when people make loud mouthly pig like sounds in the morning while clearing their throats? I swear I can feel their spit on me while peacefully sitting in the train listening to my music and all of the sudden theres a sprinkle of rain - no, not one of those refreshing-air-fresheners, but an old uncle who trained to aim his spit on innocent youngsters. Keep your throat cleansing for the bathroom!!!

The inpolite rudster
People are so ungrateful nowadays. And inderectly rude. What happened to the simple, small Thank Yous or smiles? Has social media wrecked people?  Smile to the world guys, it will really smile back to you (Or is that just a myth by now?)Be grateful your alive, Believe in Karma!

Eating with your mouths openI hate this. Especially when you make loud annoying sounds. Its cute when its a pet but for humans ...Its something that your mum should have taught you when you were young. Its really rude and disgusting!

Being Late

I guess im kind of used to it. People say they are 20 mins away but their still half asleep in bed. It was more annoying in the beginning but you get so used to it that you ... become a latecomer yourself. I guess its just the culture, and its really rubbing off on everybody. Where I come from, you better have a damn valid reason for being more than 10 minutes late!think it took me almost 2 years to get used to the fact that being on time is just not that important anymore.

Living in Europe, well thats really a whole other story. Ill save it for next time!


Anonymous said…
I'll tell you why people stare.
Because you're gorgeous.


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