Stealing is GAY!

What is it about european people and stealing? why is it sooo normal to steal down here that you have to hide your shoes when you go to a houseparty? I bet you norwegians have experienced at least one of these things living here :

1. You leave your bag for FIVE seconds on the floor in a club and it gets stolen.
2. You go to a party and suddenly your shoes are gone
3. you loose your phone and you never get it back

I once put my bag on the floor in a club here, and I can literally see someone snap it up and try to steal it but i angrily grab it back quickly. IDIOTS!

Ok Ive been living in Singapore for 2 years now, I never got anything stolen. Like I tought somebody was stealing my bag in Ministry of Sound, 2007. I put my bag right besides me and I was dancing with Wendy in one of those cages. Suddenly I see this huge shadow taking my handbag and walking quickly away. I run to the managers and tell them the situation. Turns out they dont let stuff lie around in the club in case it gets stolen, so my bag had been taken to another room for security!

My friend lost her phone 3 times, might not have been the same phone each time but it always got returned to her.

Another friend lost her workfile and its been returned.

At houseparties in Singapore, everybody just leaves their stuff everywere, because who would dear to steal in a land of pride and well raised children? Their scared of stealing, because if they get caught they would have to go to jail most probably. But not only that, they would loose their pride.

I lost my D&G watch and raybans last week (not at the same time). I know I left it at some party but probably someone took it because nobody has found it and its been weeks!

Im always looking out for my stuff even if I have been drinking. So when I first loose stuff its just...


I miss u singapore!

check out this crazy episode from the states :

Ok not everybody from Singapore is innocent either.
This crazy professor was stealing panties from dorms and got caught.
" The 39-year old man -- an associate professor in a Chinese university -- was charged for taking women's underwear from a university hostel's clothes-line last December, the Straits Times reported.

The Singaporean professor, who teaches in China, was in the city-state for his leave when he committed the crime. He was caught by a dormitory security guard who found female undergarments in his haversack.

"I have heard stories before about underwear being stolen, but I never thought it would happen to me," a victim, who was not named, was quoted as saying.

A lawyer for the professor was reported as saying his client suffers from a psychiatric disorder and has been taking women's underwear since he was 14.

The lawyer also said that his client was an honourable and kind person who had no intention of causing annoyance to the underwear owners." (UK , reuters.)


At least not stealing phones or bags like over here laaaa! All right. Its ok to steal as long as its worthless right? This guy from Singapore "stole" wireless internet,

"Garyl Tan Jia Luo, 17, is the first person to be charged with this crime under his country's Computer Misuse Act, according to a report by the Associated Press.

Tan may face up to three years in jail, according to the report, as well as a fine of up to 10,000 Singapore dollars.

Tan is accused of using his laptop to steal internet access from a neighboring wireless network this May. The neighbour had filed a complaint against him with local authorities, according to the AP report.

Tan was released on bail of 6,000 Singapore dollars; he has another court appearance scheduled for this week. Security experts have often warned that unauthorised wireless access would become a more widespread problem for enterprises and the home user as wireless networks become more prevalent" (

ok seriously. Its so lame to charge you for stealing internet. poor guy!


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